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Tuesday, October 17, 2006


I haven't seen Wonderfalls in quite some time now and was reminded about it only when I saw the Caroline Dhavernas has a lookalike (from Europe and non related even!). Although I can only confess to have seen only 3 episodes, I loved the concept (not the lame talking animals thing) of witty dialogues filling up a drama about nothing. (Isn't that what popular television is all about)

The philosophical irony in the commentary will definetly catch you off-guard even when you're watching re-runs!

A few good ones that I remember
From wikiquote
Jaye: I make good life choices—mostly because they’re forced on me—but I make them, and I find myself in unpleasant situations all the time. You know why? Because even if you have a choice it can and will be taken away from you. We’re all fate’s bitch. You might as well go ahead and bend over for destiny now.
Bianca: Your home is a trailer. Don't you see the beautiful poetry in that? It's a thing that's been designed to go someplace, and yet the hitch isn't hooked up to anything. So it just sits here, never living up to it's potential… but never in any danger of breaking down either.

I was really surprised when I read that there are just 13 episodes of Wonderfalls! Atleast they show all of them on StarWorld. I just hope I'll get to see the 10 that I haven't seen.